
My Reading Lounge has just turned 4!

Thank you for your support! So far there have been more than 400 posts, and more than 100,000 visitors!

My Reading Lounge was created to share and discuss recs about Twilight fanfics. Over the years, the fandom has significantly slowed down, but the community around this (little) blog is still full of ideas.

In the last few months, I've tried to give more space to other stories -- original novels you can find under Pick a Book -- and to the Writing Lab, where many authors have accepted to share their writing tips and experiences.

I'd like to get your suggestions for the upcoming posts. Your ideas are the best birthday gift!

One of the most precious features of this blog is that its contributors come from all over the world. I'd like to share more posts about places to visit and books related to those places (because reading and writing are still this blog's main purpose). Stay tuned!

All the best,

- Raum 



  1. Happy Birthday to My Reading Lounge!

    Time flies, and I am glad you are still going strong with helpful and fun posts
    for readers and writers...

    Wishing you continued success in the New Year!


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