
Bella was the last person to see Mike alive. Why? How will Edward react to Bella's backstory? The 14th chapter is up!
Summary: "There was a reason behind Edward's rebellious period – a reason that still holds true and brought him to Italy. His existence has been predicated on revenge for decades, to the point that forgiveness seems impossible. When Edward meets Bella, only a winter separates him from his last human prey and his own destruction." AU-Vampires.

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This chapter's suggestion is 
Italo Calvino

Novels, Short Stories, Essays...

“The ultimate meaning to which all stories refer has two faces: the continuity of life, the inevitability of death.”
(Italo Calvino)

Here (http://des.emory.edu/mfp/calvino/) you can find more about Italo Calvino (short stories, essays, excerpts...).

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